Monday, November 2, 2009

Fairies on Halloween

There were plenty of fairies visiting the neighborhood on Halloween, but we got a visit from a special fairy...


Oh, and this time around, there was actually a tooth. Shocking!

See, proof, proof.

Said tooth has been wiggly for weeks and I have been worried that it would end up in Robyn's digestive track like June's teeth (and by that I mean that June's teeth ended up in her own stomach, not in Robyn's). I have been dutifully giving her tooth a good yank every night, but it took Daddy's pliers to get it out.

He does look like a deranged dentist, but don't worry, the tooth was good and ready.

She is very proud and I still think she has a beautiful smile.


  1. How cute... I love little smiles with missing teeth!!!

  2. Having Tyler be the deranged dentist is probably better than the ol' putting a string on the tooth and attaching it to the doorknob routine!
