Tuesday, November 3, 2009

And Tomorrow. . . World Peace

I found that I can do impossible things. Here is proof:

That there is Daisy in pigtails. Why is this so impossible you might ask? Well, this girl does not do 'stuff' in her hair. She takes off all hats, rips out all clips and bows, and managed to take out at least one pigtail within two minutes of me putting them in. Plus, add the fact that she doesn't really hold still for pictures, and I figure that I accomplished the impossible.

The trick is to distract her right after you put something in her hair in hopes that she will forget it is there—so she doesn't focus all her efforts on taking it out. Too bad she is not easily distracted. The good news is that she is pretty cute with the mullet. . . so far.


  1. There is NOTHING in this world quite like new baby piggytails. So. dang. cute.
    (Does your plier-weilding-tooth-pullin' hubby hire out? We have a serious snaggle tooth around these here parts and it just refuses to budge.)

  2. How fun to fix a little girls hair!!! I, myself, was a 4th daughter... I don't think that I had my hair done very often :).

  3. I love little girls in pig tails! My baby also hates to have her hair done, but this post gave me hope for pig tails.
