Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Possibly I am Part Reptile

As many of you know, November is national blog month (or something like that), and many people see if they can post every day. I figure I am off to a good start so why not try it?

It is helpful that November is also the month of thanks giving (meaning giving thanks, not the holiday), so I figure I can throw in some small posts related to what I am thankful for.

And today, since I can't seem to get my pictures in working order, you get a thankful post (or something I love).

As the days shorten and the weather gets colder, it seems my body can not find a good temperature. In the morning I am cold (freezing), but we turn the heat on and my bones start to defrost. Then, I start to get a little too warm, so I turn the heater off for the day knowing that the house will warm up on its own anyway. But then I get cold again. I do have some self-control, so I usually leave the heat off and sure enough, by the afternoon, things warm up and suddenly I am sweating. I can't seem to find a happy medium. I'd like to blame the pregnancy, but I seem to recall that this happens every fall.

I guess the answer is layers, but I dislike dressing and undressing all day. Anyway, this is just a really long way to say that I love sunny patches. You know. . . when the curtain is open and a spot of the room is drenched in sunlight. Moxy usually finds the spots before I do (poor dog being from CA, I think she hates Utah weather even more than I do), but I will walk through a ray of sunlight and I will stop and press my body against the sliding glass door, soaking in all the heat I can. It feels luxurious. Or that feeling when you are chilled and you get into the car which has been sitting in the sun for a few hours and the heat just envelopes you. Mmmmmm. Warmth. Good stuff. Thanks sun for shedding a little light and heat.


  1. This is not our cat, nor our window.

    I found myself oddly excited by your post, but I'll not write all that down in my comment.

  2. I do the exact same thing. Our sliding glass doors face south and get such wonderful sunlight in the morning... Saturday and Sunday mornings, from the time I get up, you'll probably find me there. (Although, it does bother Teddy, because he likes the sun too, and if I'm there, there's just no room for him too... :)) ha ha!

  3. Ah, the sun refreshes me so much! Plus, I hear you on the layers thing-I always feel so bulky the more clothing I have on!
