Monday, November 9, 2009

How to Wash Dirty Unders

Rinse them in the tub. Taking them off the child is optional.

Ivory decided to go to bed without a diaper tonight, showing that she is a big girl. I did NOT think this was a good idea but somehow I was overruled. Tyler thinks she needs to realize for herself that she is not quite ready to go the night without a diaper.

However, I am not sure how much of the situation she grasped being awakened from a dead sleep. Tyler put her standing in the tub and told her that she need to take off her underwear. She gave him a confused look, then sat down anyway. I am pretty sure that she had no idea that she was still wearing them, or that I was taking pictures (notice the sleepy yawn).

Poor duck. She is safely tucked back in bed, with a diaper, and I hope Tyler is done with his experiments.


  1. So funny! I love her zoned-out, yawning, clearly not with it, tired face! :) She is way too cute and I'm sure she'll appreciate pictures like this when she's older! ;P I have PLENTY of them myself...but usually I was naked and not wearing unders. Either way, they're good memory pictures!!

  2. Oh the nighttime stuff. Biggest headache of my parenting life.

  3. Sometimes experience is the best teacher, right? Love her sweet sleepy face.

  4. How cute is that!!! Kolby always knew best when it came to potty-training at night... too bad he wasn't the expert at changing diapers, I could have used his help :).

  5. That is such a cute picture, I am suprised you thought to take a picture. I am a zombie when I have to wake up with the kids and I would have never thought about grabbing a camera.

  6. Oh, trust me. I am a zombie when I have to wake up as well. Luckily, we checked on her before we went to bed, so we were still wide awake enough to document the moment.

  7. Thank goodness you checked on her before you went to bed!

  8. Yeah, when do they learn to go without a diaper at night? Poor thing all exhausted in the bath!

  9. I love the sleepy face. I'm surprised she wasn't wondering why the bath water wasn't running. It could be worse, I have a sleep walker that doesn't remember he peed everywhere but the toilet.
