Sunday, November 8, 2009

Day of Rest?

When I was young, Sunday was such a long, boring day since my parents wouldn't let us do anything. Now, I long for a Sunday with nothing to do. Somehow that is not our lot. Tyler is gone every Sunday morning with meetings, and I always leave early for church to ready things for nursery (i.e. pack snacks). Having late church doesn't help because we come back, eat dinner, and then the day is closing. Somehow it doesn't feel very restful.

This morning we were up and running before 7 a.m and didn't stop until after dinner at 5 p.m. By then several children were very cranky, and we really just managed tempers until we could throw a couple in bed. Add to that the fact that I don't get to go to normal lessons, and Tyler has Daisy so he spends half of his lessons in the hallway chasing her; and somehow church is not the same experience as when I was younger. I admit that I miss the days where I blithely went to class and came home with nothing to do but take a nap.

Yet, I feel my testimony of attending church has only grown in the last few years. Because I am denied some of the spiritual experiences and discussions, I know how valuable they are. I help every week in the nursery so other parents can go and fill their spiritual cup, and mine is filled through service. I struggle through Sacrament Meeting hushing children, chasing babies, handing out snacks while catching tid-bits of what is said. However, I feel that is the most important place my family could be.

One definition of rest is: "Peace, freedom from trouble, tranquility." I have plenty of peace knowing that I am doing the right thing. Sunday is not always an easy day to get through, but I feel tranquility knowing I am building a foundation for my children and living the principles I believe. In that case, Sunday is certainly a day of rest. . . if not in the most literal sense.


  1. Your so right, Sunday is usually one of our longest days, but I know we are spending it in the right place. I just wanted to tell you again how much we are going to miss nursery, when you have been there for so long its crazy to think about being somewhere else. Sorry again that pregnancy got the best of me yesterday, just lots of emotions that I can't seem to even control any more. Anyways, know that we think you are amazing and that both Jonny and I will miss nursery and especially singing time....hope the new recruits will sing along... Its way more fun that way. :)

  2. It is hard not being able to go to sunday school and relief society. Because of that I never did enjoy my time in the nursery... You are awesome for feeling that your service is 'filling your cup'... I never felt that way, I just couldn't wait to get OUT! Try to enjoy your time, it won't be to long before you have years and years of quiet with the kids grown and gone.

  3. I like your perspective. Just yesterday we had one of those "12 hours of God" days too. It reminds me of Elder Oaks' talk 6 months ago about going to church for others and not ourselves. I've never served in Nursery but did enjoy my time in Primary. Contrary to popular belief I actually met quite a few people in the ward during that time.

  4. I can totally relate, especially when Jeff is gone. I was sooo looking forward to coming home and crashing on the couch yesterday after I got dinner in the oven. I do love serving in nursery though (and Activity Days). Thanks for all that you do Nursery Coordinator, you are a tough cookie carrying those heavy totes!

  5. We were taught recently that Sacrament is the only ordinance in the church that we do as a family. So important even if we only get tid-bits of what is said. And just think it could be worse, you could get out of church at 5:30 and home at 6:00 to make dinner which will be ready by 7:00 (hopefully).

  6. Oh my heck, we're the same! I long for the days when Sundays was the long boring day of childhood!
