Saturday, November 7, 2009

Gardner Village

I try to get to Gardner Village at least once this time of year. I am crazy about their Halloween stuff, but I am lured by their normal selection of odds and ends as well. This year I went purposely looking for a nativity. They have so many to choose from, so I chose mainly based on price (I want to expand my collection, but some are a tad spendy for me at the moment). I apologize that there isn't a picture here but I refuse to get my Christmas stuff out until after Thanksgiving (current purchases included).

We (Tricia and me) browsed other shops and then we ate dinner out there. It was such a fun night and it certainly put me in the holiday spirit. I am getting really excited to start some new traditions this year and bring back some of the old ones. I encourage each of you to try something new this year with your family. After all, when you look back at Christmases gone by, do you remember the gifts you got or the things you did with your family each year?


  1. My mother-in-law collects Nativities and has at least one from Gardner Village (maybe more). She loves 'em. Glad you had a good time.

  2. Sounds so fun. I've always heard amazing things about that place, but I've never actually been there myself. I might just have to make this year the year that I make a visit! :)

  3. I went there once! There was a bakery there that had the most delicious...whatever I ate. Wow, actually, if I can't remember, does it count as being that good?
