Friday, November 6, 2009

I'm going on a date in twenty minutes and this has nothing to do with my post.

Today was a glorious day. The weather was amazing. It was so warm and beautiful outside. I noticed this and quickly kicked everyone out of the house including myself. We walked/biked around the neighborhood and ended up over by the church where the girls could play in the plethora of leaves dropped by the enormous tree in front. I wish I had brought my camera. They played, giggled, piled leaves, jumped inside, and had a fantastic time being kids. Daisy even joined in the action and would lie down on the cement as long as a few leaves were scattered on top (she was hilarious).

But that is not what I sat down to write about today. Instead, I thought I might bring up a grievance of mine. I know this doesn't hold with the spirit of Thanksgiving, but let's get real; we all have pet peeves.

I despise white socks.

Not for me. I actually prefer to wear white socks myself (I know...boring). But for the girls, I will never buy them white socks again. Simply because it is so hard to find all the matches. And that is my least favorite part of laundry. There are always socks missing, and then there are the different sizes that have to be matched. Give me a Tinkerbell sock or a nice stripey one that jumps out and says, "Here I AM!! And my match is right over there!!" And even if you can't find the partner sock, at least they stand out in the mass of miss-match socks that we have accumulated over time.

I think for Christmas, I am going to buy a whole bunch of new unique looking socks and then I am going to toss all the old white ones. Or, we could move to Hawaii and wear flip-flops year round. That does seem the best option . I wonder if I can convince Tyler.


  1. I am totally with you on that one. I used to buy nothing but white socks until a couple of years ago and now I love their patterned fun. It allows a little creativity where otherwise their mother has a strict "you must match" policy...socks are free reign.
    I should get you the name of a company that I have seen that sells a little barrel of ALL different patterned socks, no matches at just grab two and go. They are adorable (the concept makes me feel a little crazy but the kids love it.)

  2. Use a fabric marker to write their initials or a symbol on the underside of the toes of their socks. Not only will they be easier to match, but you could probably convince your girls to match their own socks together. :)

  3. I love fun socks! Good for you to get your girls all the fun ones.

  4. other options:
    buy ALL the same brand and size white sox... never pair them. put them in a basket for the girls to grab their own.

    this is what we do.

  5. Awesome, I am all for Hawaii... I don't like matching socks either!

  6. I bribe my kids to match socks in return for extra computer time. Or I just dump a basket full on the living room carpet while they are watching TV and have them get to work. And I threw away about 40 socks this year when I realized that there wasn't a single person in the house who could squeeze their foot into them. How did I wind up with the smallest feet in the house?
