Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Do you ever get annoyed when you run an errand, get home, only to find out that you forgot something or got the wrong thing? I did that this morning. I went to get velcro. I looked very hard at two packages. They were priced the same, seemed identical, except that one had 10 ft of velcro and the other had 5 ft. In the end, I got the one with ten feet (it seemed more of a bargain). Naturally, the minute I got home I realized the difference. The ten foot brand only gave you half the velcro; just the hook side. Sheesh. I was a little put out that I would have to go all the way back.

But I put on my best face and headed back (fortunately Tyler was home, so I was able to go without kids, because you can imagine how thrilled I would be to pack kids back up). Right before I got there, a song came on the radio that I have been listening for (to find out the artist). While waiting for the song to finish, I grabbed my purse and noticed that my wallet was missing. I left it at the store when I came the first time since my hands were full with Daisy. I thought that if I hadn't bought the wrong velcro, I might not have noticed for a very long time and perhaps even forgotten where I had been (this is not unlike me). I was so relieved that I was already at the store. My wallet was behind the counter, I exchanged my velcro, AND I found out the artist that I was wondering about. Here is the song if you are really curious about what strikes my fancy.

So perhaps things can sometimes work out for the best. Providence was smiling on me today.


  1. I HATE when you get the wrong thing or forget something you really needed. But awesome that you were able to find your wallet. That seems like fate! :)

    Oh, and sorry that Robin shared your secret with me today. But on the plus side...I LOVE IT! :) And don't worry, the secret is safe with me!

  2. I am glad that you were able to successfully get your wallet back. And I LOVE that song as well. I'm glad you could find the name. Great song.

  3. I absolutely hate it when I forget something at the store and have to go back. This happens to me all of the time. I'm glad in your case it worked out for the best!

  4. Thank goodness you had to go back! And BTW-I'm totally in love with that song! It's a fav!

  5. Does the fact that song is called Fireflies have anything to do with you and your girls? Or am I confusing with u with my other girlfriend who has a bazillion daughters? Providence is always smiling on you!! I miss you guys. I wish I was nearby to share and smile and laugh and have fun. Love ya tons.
