Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Are Your Ears Painted On?

I was watching Barbie and the Three Musketeers for the umpteenth time today (thanks Grandma for buying that for the girls) and I was once again amazed at the idea that once people put on a half mask, no one can recognize them. Seriously? And let's be honest, Barbie's mask isn't even a half mask, it is only two loops that surround her eyes. And yet, people are still amazed when she takes it off. Oh, it's you???

Half-masks are just not that mysterious to me. Sure if I didn't know the person, but if I were at all familiar with someone, I don't think I would be fooled. I mean, it's not like a person's voice changes when they put on a mask. Maybe I am better at voice recognition than some. I enjoy trying to guess who the voice-overs are in animated films. But even if you were poor at recognizing voices, there must be other clues. Ladies, if you know your man at all, you should be able to see through his disguise. I mean, come on Buttercup...Wesley was gone for a few years, but could he have changed that much? And what about Zorro and Batman (although Batman's voice does seem to deepen when he puts on his mask so you have to give him props for that)? Anyway, I'm just saying that if Tyler put on a half-mask, he wouldn't be able to pull the wool over my eyes.


  1. Maleen, my dear, you have watched one to many cartoons to care that much!!! But I must admit that I agree with your train of thought. :)

  2. I see what you're saying. Of course it reminds me of a comedian who commented on the complaints about some inaccuracies of Finding Nemo. His response was, "The fish are talking!" :)

  3. I love how in movies the half mask makes you totally unrecognizable!
