Monday, November 16, 2009


So I am a crazy woman about traditions (but you knew that). We have a tradition that the FHE before Thanksgiving we make our thankful turkey. The first Thanksgiving that we did this, our turkey looked very lonely, but we laminated him and I knew that eventually he would be joined by others. And now we are on our fourth turkey (I love it!!). We put them up each year and I know that when my kids are grown, they will bring their families back and look at our wall filled with silly turkeys.

Everyone gets a feather (although we added one for the dog because Robyn didn't want a lop-sided turkey). Each year I have the kids help me choose colors for the turkey and the feathers. Robyn helped this year and therefore it was 'her' turkey. You should have seen her face when Tyler decided to write the year in Roman numerals instead of the regular numbers. She about pitched a fit. Finally Tyler showed her how to read the 'secret' writing and now she thinks she has classified information. It should keep her happy for a while.

Yes, I know that this isn't the Monday before Thanksgiving, but Ivory will be out of town next week and I didn't want her to miss it. Hence, the early bird gets the Roman Numerals.


  1. I love how many cute traditions you have with your family. LOVE IT. You are a great inspiration. :)

  2. How do you come up with this stuff? I am so jealous at how creative you are. You gotta love traditions!
