Sunday, November 15, 2009

Variety is the Spice of Life

I really think it is good to mix things up a bit; try something new or old (spouses excluded naturally—I like the one I have). I look forward to each month and doing something that goes with the season or holiday. I like digging in my closet and finding old shoes or clothes that I haven't worn in a while. It is great to skim my small collection of movies and see an old favorite that I haven't watched in a while. I love it when a song I haven't heard in forever comes on the radio, bringing back a wave of memories as I sing it at the top of my lungs.

Some things are meant to be daily occurrences (I would never say no to a kiss or hug from any of my family) but many of the things I like are better in small doses; enjoyed at intervals. Tonight we were getting ready to have our Sunday ice cream ritual (yes, I shamelessly bribe my children to keep them reverent in church). Tyler, with some left over soda from his Book-a-Mormon-athon, decided that we should have root beer floats instead. What a genius. It has been a blue moon since I have had a root beer float and it was scrumptious. It is great to fall in love with something all over again (in this case, spouses included). Thanks Tyler.

p.s. Ty, you are enough variety to keep my life spicy for eternity.


  1. Yum, as soon as I read this, I totally want one too-but sadly, I have none of the ingredients in my house! PS I don't think it's bad to bribe children to be else would you have them do it?

  2. Only for you babe. You're worth it. And you're right: I am a genius. Eternity's a lot more interesting with you and me in it.
