Monday, December 21, 2009

The Good Ole Days

Remember when you were a kid and you weren't in charge of anything for Christmas? All you had to do was show up. Ahhh, how I long for those days. I mean, not really, because I like being the one who gives and I love to see the expressions on my children's faces. But when I look at our little countdown chain and I only see four links on it, I am gripped more by anxiety than excitement. I am looking forward to Christmas, but I may not have my act together when it comes to presents and preparations.

And let's be realistic...husbands are helpful, but we know who is really in charge of stockings, neighbor gifts (once again, sorry we skipped it this year), presents, baking, scheduling, extended family stuff (I have finally convinced my husband that he should shop for his OWN family), cards, decorating, etc. This season is magical, but I can tell you who is holding the wand. (Pipe down men, you know it is true and you wouldn't want a wand anyway.)

I do have one thing checked off. Tricia and I went to Color Me Mine and made cookie plates this year. It was so much fun.

Granted I still need to make the cookies that will go on it, but I will feel a lot more satisfaction eating them this year. (Ahem, I mean, letting Santa eat them.)


  1. Your plate is very cute! As long as you just continue getting one thing checked off your list, it will all work out (at least that's what I keep telling myself to make myself feel better.) Is Pearl what you picked for the soon-to-be little one? Cute! I didn't know your had picked a name yet.

  2. I feel stressed and like I'm running out of time and I don't have kids. I don't know how you do it with 4 little ones and a little one inside. You must be like super-woman or something! :)

    Oh, and I love your plate. I keep wanting to go down there and do something but it has yet to happen. One of these days! (AFTER the holidays of course!)

  3. adorable plate! and yes -- we went to 5 stores to find one simple hammer toy for brennan -- goodness gracious. i am trying to get as much done now though so Christmas Eve and Christmas are more relaxing! good luck to you!

  4. ps for neighbor gifts -- i am passing out Candles with a tag attached wishing them the Warmth from the light of Christ. simple -- and i had them on hand. otherwise, we would have skipped gifts this year as well!

  5. Love the plate, love the name Pearl and LOVE what your friend Erin did for neighbor gifts...I may just be "borrowing" her idea for the sake of giving!

  6. I don't suppose it would be any help at all to tell you that I'm still stressing about trying to be ready for Christmas even though most of my kids are grown. I wish I could contact Grandma and ask her if she felt the same way! Yes, it was wonderful when I was a child and could enjoy the magic of Christmas without worrying about all the things that have to get done.
    By the way, the next time I visit I want to go to Color Me Mine and make something!

  7. Gone are the days of waking up early on Christmas day. Now I feel old when I'd just rather sleep in.

    Us men could never do Christmas as well as the women. That reminds me of a recent episode of the Middle where the husband tries to do Christmas thinking it's easy but finds out it's just too hard.

  8. Adorable, love the plate, love the thought of being a kid and doing nothing for Christmas prep and love the name Pearl, adorable.

  9. I love all the names on the plate! Cute!
