Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Prettiest Hand This Side of the Mississippi

Ten years and one day ago, Tyler and I entered a temple and were sealed for time and all eternity. Not bad huh? Fastest ten years of my life, even including the four kids we managed to get here during that time. We hemmed and hawed over what we should do for our ten year anniversary and really we never came up with anything very exciting. (This could be due to my condition—it's just not as much fun to plan a getaway when you are sick or extremely uncomfortable.)

Last year I swore that we would celebrate in June because December is so busy, but that didn't happen either. And so we set out last night for dinner in a light snowfall. (Much better than last year when it was practically a blizzard.) But not before the MAN himself surprised me with this...

This would be a good time to tell you about the first ring Tyler got me. In my mind I always pictured that men go out and find a ring and then propose to the girl they love. Well, we kinda did things out of order. We figured out we wanted to get married, Tyler proposed, and then we went ring shopping. I didn't want him to get the wrong thing, so I went along. It is a lot of pressure to pick out a ring to wear all day, every day, forever. And in the end, I was more concerned about price, so we picked something I liked that was on sale.

Now trust me, I liked my ring, but I always regretted that it wasn't something Tyler picked out and surprised me with. I mentioned this to him and somehow I came out of the conversation feeling guilty because I should LOVE my wedding ring. So, I put my heart into loving my ring (which I do) and dropped the thought of getting what HE would have picked. Tyler however did not drop the idea. Instead he spent some time and energy figuring out what I loved in jewelry and finding the perfect creation.

I'll admit, when I opened that little box, I cried a little. It is so beautiful and exactly what I wanted, and HE picked it for me. What a perfect gift for ten years. I felt like we were getting engaged all over again. I told him that my hands weren't pretty enough to wear such a gorgeous ring, so he told me to go get my nails done. So, I'm not sure if I do the 51 diamonds justice, but here is the end result.

What do you think? Should I keep him another ten years?

Oh, and you should really see this ring in person. A picture is worth a thousand words, but the actual thing is breathtaking.


  1. I saw it in person and absolutely loved it. Good job Tyler. Congrats you guys on ten years and here's to the next ten!

  2. Of course you should keep him for another 10 years - and even more! The ring looks awesome and on your hand looks fabulous! Congratulations to you guys!

  3. it is beautiful - and a surprise, wow - you guys are defently due for another 10 years (plus) and then another ring maybe -- or this next time...a trip away from your adorable 5!! congrats!

  4. Congratulations, you guys! It is beautiful! And your nails look fab. Someday I want to get mine done....

  5. it's totally gorgeous! i'm positively jealous! we, like you, have no idea what we're gonna do for our tenth... coming up in may... we'll have a 2 month old... we'll be lucky if we get to do dinner...

  6. I think you two were lucky to find each other. I am so sorry you won't be coming to spend some time with us this December, but we'll look forward to other times we'll have together. Congratulations on not only ten years of a very solid marriage (isn't it?) but also on 4 1/2 gorgeous children! I love both of you.

  7. That ring is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. I love it. Happy Anniversary to you and Tyler!

    (P.S. I am SOOOO sorry about spacing our appointment on Wednesday. We'll meet again soon, and this time I won't forget. Thanks for the cookies though, they were yummy! :))

  8. What a good husband! Amazingly, we seem to have the same anniversary! We are two years behind you though. Congratulations!

  9. I adore you and the raging stallion and the ring!!!! It's amazing and gorgeous and LOVE your nails :) You wear it beautifully.

  10. It's beautiful! (and so sweet, too)

  11. So beautiful and congrats on 10 years!

  12. That is really sweet- it's a perfect ten year gift! And be able to get your nails done,awesome.

  13. what a beautiful gift for a beautiful occasion! we've been married 10 years now too, but instead of a cruise for 2, i gave jed another son...we haven't celebrated yet--i don't get out of the house much with a little munchkin. happy (be-lated) anniversary!!

  14. The ring is gorgeous, and I am also loving those nails!
