Friday, January 1, 2010


Last years on New Year's the computer crashed, big time. That isn't quite the case this year, but there are plenty of computer woes to keep me busy. My computer can't seem to stay connected to the internet and even my email has shut down. This makes blogging difficult at best. I haven't been in a die-hard blogging mood and when I finally get the energy, I can't use the internet. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
So, in summary, Christmas was great, New Year's wasn't bad, currently I can't get email and June has strep. Basically life just continues as usual. Hope things settle back into a regular routine next week...including email.


  1. I am so sorry, not a good way to start the new year at all. But I love your ring, just look down every time you need to feel a little happier. Hope everything is up and running smoothly soon, and everyone gets to feeling better!!

  2. Sorry you're having computer woes. Been there, done that, and am still doing it. I see you have officially posted the new one's name. It isn't often that the letters of the middle name can all be found in the first name. Good job! I'll bet Vicki is thrilled. I have to admit that I really want to start work on her cross-stitch, but I still have the monstrous Daisy project on my hands . . .

  3. Beautiful ring and hand/fingernails from your last post. I'm sorry June is sick and your computer is having problems. That stinks when you really want to do something and can't.
