Monday, December 7, 2009

I am a Rock...

(Sing it with me)... I am an Island. Gotta love Simon and Garfunkle. And if you are too young to know who they are, we need to talk. (Or perhaps not, because you would probably be staring at all my wrinkles and white hairs while we never mind.)

In the winter time, there is nothing like a warm bath to get my body temperature regulated again. I say warm, because I don't do so well in hot baths, but the concept is the same:

1. Dip your entire body in warmth
2. Soak
3. Try to avoid children joining you in the bath (this works better if you don't have all girls).
4. After you are toasty, get out of the bath, but dress quickly to trap the heat and secure the warm feeling. (A coat of lotion on your skin between those steps can do wonders to relieve dry skin from this wonderful Utah weather.)

Now, this is my recipe for when I get super chilled. Except, I have one problem at the moment. I don't fit under the water right now. Yep, you guessed it. The belly remains above water and creates a beautiful little island that stays COLD. I sat there in the tub yesterday evening lamenting that I can't actually fit this baby under the water unless I turn sideways. Then, I picked up Dora (do you also have kids toys in the adult bath tub?) and placed her on the island. She looked content sitting there, until...(duh, duh, duh), there were tremors in the ground. The whole island was unstable. There was definitely seismic activity. Dora survived the event. She was almost bucked off the island by the baby kicking, but in end she was saved by the Christmas Devotional starting and my having to exit the tub.

Who says that kids should have all the fun in the bath?

The Christmas Devotional by the First Presidency was excellent by the way, and reconfirmed all my feelings that Christmas has become too commercialized. This year we are trying to focus more on memories and activities than presents, and I'm trying not to get overwhelmed with the amount of stuff to squeeze in. This is going to be a lazy (yet meaningful) Christmas at the Cazier's. Hope you neighbors are okay without a neighbor gift this year. (Sorry, that one got axed this year, but will probably return in other years.)


  1. "Islands in the sea, that is what we are! No one in between, (not even Dora) how can we be wrong? Sail away with me to another world. 'Cause we rely on each other, uh huh! From one lover to another, uh huh!"

    I know your song, and it's worth singing.

    You are my rock.

  2. We, too, are trying to have a more laid-back Christmas with more decorating and less presents (although I'm not sure Tim would agree with this!). The Christmas Devotional was great, and we were able to just walk into it from the Festival of the Nativity which was AWESOME! I took tons of pictures and if I can dredge up the time and energy, I'll blog them. Um - I have also gone to eBay and bought more nativities. It's addicting! Mom

  3. Nice singing Raging Stallion. Cute tummy Maleen. I love warm/hot baths too, but I usually only take them when Jeff's home. Do you have a hot pack thing that you warm up in the microwave, those help me a lot. I put one in bed every night to warm up my toes. Yesterday I ate a butterscotch candy out of the Santa Baby chimney you gave us a couple of years ago (so cute). Are they doing the treat exchange party this year for the neighborhood?
