Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Every now and again, I just get going in Photoshop, and I end up with something pretty cool. I've been working recently on some effects that I learned at a recent training on the subject. Well, while I was laboring away, I came up with this little ditty for Daisy. There's no reason I used Daisy, just a photograph that worked for the particular effects I had in mind. Hope you enjoy it.

For the Photoshop curious:
Daisy's photo is a black threshold adjustment. The buildings are also a threshold adjustment. The grunge background is actually a piece of concrete that has a red color overlay adjustment along with an inner glow in black for the vignette. The "Daisy" font is Parchment with a hard chisel deep bevel over a raised background swath I re-blended from the background concrete layer selected in a shaky style by overlapping the lasso tool. I built the bling gleams myself with a path and a radial blur and added color-dodged flourishes with flourish brushes from Selene Heart. That about covers it. If there's anything I did in the image that I neglected to explain, let me know and I'll make it known.

By the way, if you understand most of what you just read, you should post a comment with a link to some of your work so as I can see it and learn from you.


  1. This post is definitely proof that designers have their own language. I think I understood about six words in there, two being 'font' and 'Daisy'. I think it is about time I took a photoshop class myself.

  2. I didn't understand a word of it, but find it very interesting. Love the picture!
