Friday, March 26, 2010

When Fairies Forget

We're still losing teeth around here. June managed to pull one out at school and luckily it returned home. (I feel by now, you probably know her history with teeth; not good.) She put it back in and Dad snapped a picture. They thought it was funny, I think it is kind of creepy. Look how eerily white it is compared to the rest.

She forgot to put it under her pillow the first night, so I just told her to try again the next night. However, for some reason the tooth fairy forgot to come the next night. We were all stumped. June was worried that since she didn't leave it out the first night, the fairy wasn't going to come and get it.

I told her to try one more time and if the fairy didn't come, I would pay her a dollar instead. Well, as luck would have it, the tooth fairy came on night three and left a very kind note. Apparently she came for the tooth the first night, but the second time around, she was taking the route of a sick fairy. She left an extra quarter because she was late. Funny, I always thought there was one tooth fairy, but it seems there are more.

Has your fairy ever forgotten to come?


  1. Our fairy is lucky to remember anything these days, let alone money for teeth.

  2. Just a few months ago, in fact! She also left a kind note explaining that she had been quite busy lately and was sorry for the delay.

  3. That sure is nice of the fairy to explain her absence!
