Monday, March 1, 2010

Dream Team

I went to the Dr. today and the good news is that I am dilated to a 3! This may sound painfully normal for many of you, but try and recall how thrilled I was to be at a 2 right before I had Daisy. I am just not that great at getting anything done early, so these numbers are exciting for me.

The bad news is that my heart is set on being induced now. I have everything planned for the fourth and I found out today that my two favorite doctors are on call that day. It would be my dream team picks for labor and delivery.

So I take back all the complaining and whining and coaxing Pearl. Please stay put for two more days.



  1. This is me chanting
    "Go cervix! Thin! Thin! Thin! Dilate, dilate dilate! Go cervix go!...but not too fast, a couple of days then."
    Yeah! You had better post immediately after she is born, like, "forget the stitches doc, hand me the laptop" quick. Other people having babies is a favorite of mine.
    Good luck this week!!!

  2. Good Luck with everything. I am so excited for you guys to meet the newest addition. :-)

  3. Wow. I never dilated that much. Ever. I'm betting she'll stay put until your dream team can come through. Yay for sweet little Pearl!

  4. Wow, I don't know what any of this really means, but I hope you get what you're wanting. Good luck!
