Wednesday, March 3, 2010

She'll Look a Little Different Tomorrow

I love this picture because I don't have stretch marks, but you can see the spider web veins on my tummy. I look like a photo in an anatomy book. (Tyler had to talk me into taking these pictures tonight, but I am really glad he did. Check out this one where you can see her foot sticking up at the top of my stomach.)

The countdown is on. There have been some minor contractions tonight but nothing to write home about. My guess is we will make it until the call tomorrow and then we will go in and have our baby. I am the usual anxious, excited wreck.

Tyler will be posting pictures tomorrow, since that is his job as big Daddy.


  1. AHHHH! So exciting. Hope all goes well. I will be thinking about you and checking the blog often:)

  2. We are very excited for you guys. You've been on my mind lately, hence the phone calls yesterday from Mark wondering if Pearl had made her grand appearance yet. We'll be thinking about you guys and look forward to seeing pics of your 5th cutie!

  3. Congrats! I hope it all goes well and I will be checking throughout the day for pics. I can't wait to see her! I'll keep you all in my prayers! :)

  4. Wahoo! We'll be waiting, I hope everything goes swimmingly!

  5. I hope that everything goes well! If you need anything let me know. I'm happy to help...I can bring some dinner (I know someone in the ward is in charge of coordinating that) or watch your other girls so you can have some alone time with little Pearl. Just let me know!

  6. Yay! I'll be checking in anxiously!

  7. i hope she is here by now!! or soon!

  8. Big daddy did a great job in posting and then explaining the post. Well done, well done! LOL...cute foot! It looks painful. I'll just live vacariously through your pregnancies, ok? I have no desire to have a foot poking through my stomach.
