Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Pearl of My World

Well, she's been a long time coming, but here she is. Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to Pearl Lea Cazier!

Here are the vitals:
  • Born at 1:49p MT.
  • 7 lbs 8 oz.
  • 19 inches tall
  • 1 push (yes, I apologize for offending pregnant or recently pregnant women everywhere, but this is just too cool not to tell the world! And the whole labor only lasted for 3 hours--the contraction portion lasted all of 20 minutes. Wicked cool. )
Maleen and I had a little friendly familial wager going on. I bet she'd be 7 lbs 2 oz. Maleen said she'd be less. I win. Maleen said she'd be born at like 4:17p. I had her at 2:45p. I win again. There are other points of the wager that shall remain unknown to the world, but suffice it to say, I won ALL bets.

And for all you peeps who want more pics, here are some others to tide you over until tomorrow. (Yes, I know this isn't a lot of info, but I'll tell the whole story tomorrow.)

Just a note - mom and baby are doing well.


  1. Congrats! She's just beautiful! And she and Libby share the very same storkbite above the left eye. So cute.

  2. Yay! You look great! What a sweetie! I think it's O.K. to brag about only one push when you've pushed out a total of five babies! You deserve a break every once in a while. Wish we were closer to give service to your sweet family!
    Love, the Burkharts

  3. Oh happiness happiness. CONGRATULATIONS!!! and well done on the prompt posting.
    Welcome Baby Pearl!

  4. I can hardly wait to come visit and meet her in person. She is (not surprisingly) absolutely gorgeous, just like all your babies have been. You ought to design something with a five-pointed star and a daughter at each point. What a winner!!!!

  5. Congratulations! Glad everything went so well!

  6. Congratulations! Glad everything went so well!

  7. Gongrats! She is so precious!
    One push?!. Mama-Mia-St. Maria!!!

  8. Yay! WE are so happy for you I cannot wait to see her and hold her and hear all the details!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Wahoo! She is here- glad everything is going well. She is a doll!

  11. Congrats on the newest cute little addition to your family! We are excited for you and are so happy we can come help your family tomorrow!

  12. Congratulations! She is beautiful! I can't wait to see more pics. You'll have to let me know when you're all home and up for visitors too so I can drop by a little gift I have. I'm glad it went well and she's safely here with her cute family! :)

  13. She is BEAUTIFUL!!! Congratualations Cazier Family!

  14. Oh, she is so precious!!! Congratulations!!

  15. Pearl and I share a birthday!!!! Yipeeeeeeeeee!!! Welcome to the world Pearl. I'm sure that because of your beauty that there was plenty of sand rubbing up against you and that's how come you get to come to earth now.
