Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fashion Quandry

Emma Jo commented that she loved onesies and I couldn't agree more. I am in love with babies in onesies. It is pretty much all my babies wear. You can imagine that when I see a pack of cute onesies, I have to use all my will power to resist buying them. I was doing fairly well this time around. Since Pearl is the fifth girl, there are plenty of onesies to be had in this household. But then sweet Grandma's on both sides and a couple of neighbors brought over a few more. Suddenly I felt overwhelmed by onesie goodness. So many of these darling outfits are size newborn and she won't be small for long. Just today Tyler dressed her in this cute cherry onesie and then told me that he didn't snap the last button in back because he thought it would be a bit snug on her. Help!

So, now it comes down to crunch time. I laid all the onesies on my bed.

OVER 45 onesies, not counting those in the wash. I am just going to have to be picky. Some are a little older and have some stains (Daisy was not kind on clothes), but others are fresh from onesie heaven. I mean, look at the cuteness.

This watermelon one just kills me...

Is it wrong to have a fashion show with your baby? The girls and I might just have to play dress up with Pearl. If anything it will keep her awake for a while and then maybe she will sleep better at night.

p.s. If you have a new baby girl, you are welcome to come borrow some onesies. Heck, you could keep a few.

(Just not the watermelon one.)


  1. totally cute!
    those little cherry ones are to die for!

  2. Babies in onesies are torrally cute! The watermelon is SO cool! I love the main color! I think it would be so much fun to do a baby fashion day and take all those 45 onesie pictures :)
    We got a lot onesies from friends as well before Dominic was born and we didn't get to wear all of them since he was born almost a toddler size... :))

  3. hold the cherry, watermelon, and red one with polka dots for me! ok, i am not preggers, but they are adorable!

    i was going through some clothes last night trying to "let go" and since elizabeth was born in the winter ... we had the onsie material button up or zip up pj's ... loved cuddling with those! oh ... congrats again! a beautiful family of girls -- just think of all the fun dances and weddings in your future!!
