Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Slow Start

Pearl is a great baby. She doesn't always sleep at the ideal hours, but when she is awake she is calm or easily soothed.

Then there is Daisy. Poor girl. She has been sick since Pearl was born so she has not been allowed to hold the baby here at home. Then she got an ear infection, and some nasty thing that is keeping her throat quite sore. She was up more than Pearl last night. I feel very blessed that my mother-in-law is feeling better and came to visit because two sets of arms have been invaluable the last two days. One set for Pearl, the other for Daisy.

I forgot that sometimes it isn't the baby who is hard, sometimes it is the kids you already have. Here's hoping that Daisy feels better quickly, or I grow another set of arms tomorrow.


  1. Oh sweet baby loving. I hope Daisy is better quick! Let's keep the need for night time snuggling to a minimum. sigh. I love babies in onesies. It makes me supremely happy.

  2. So sorry about the tough times with Daisy. If you grow another set of arms will you let me know how to how you did it? I could use a pair.

  3. So sorry to hear about Daisy being sick - I hope she'll feel better soon. And I'm So glad that Pearl is calm baby. I hope you'll get into "new" schedule soon :)

  4. Poor kiddo. I hope Daisy feels better soon. And Pearl is beautiful! She definitely looks like a Cazier! :) I'm glad she is such a good baby for you too!
