Saturday, March 6, 2010

Pearl (Part 2)

I actually hesitated to write my own post about the birth of Pearl, because it was fairly well covered in the last post. However, I feel that since this is my blog, I will regret not having my own version of the story later on (note: the correct version).

As Tyler mentioned, they were slow to call us in the morning. I would like to say that I was fine with the wait, but I was not taking it well. When Tyler says I took my make-up off, it was really because I had cried most of it off anyway and my eyes were stinging. See, the original plan was for Tyler's mom to come and stay with the kids so they wouldn't have to go to several different houses, bouncing around. Well, bad luck would have it that she fell ill, and that wouldn't be ideal to bring to the house of a new infant, so we kindly asked her to stay away until she felt better. Then I frantically called all my wonderful neighbors who were more than generous to watch my kids at the last minute.

So most of my distress at not being called in the morning, was that I was going to have to recall people and change everything around. Fortunately, they still called in the morning(ish) and everything worked out well. When we were checked into the room, one nurse even told me that they shouldn't have called me; the rooms were all full again and they weren't taking any more scheduled patients. Yikes! Well, I was there, and I was staying. After Pearl was born, I asked a different nurse if things had calmed down. She told me there were still three more women on the list to be called. I can only imagine how crazy I would have been by that time.

But back to my story. I got all hooked up and true to his story, Tyler left. This may have something to do with the fact that he considered my contractions to only have been about twenty minutes long (or at least REAL contractions as he would call them.) Trust me, there were many more contractions than that, and he wasn't there when they got bad enough that I wondered (for the fifth time) how any woman manages to go through labor naturally. Little did I know that I would partly find out in a short time.

For the record, I like epidurals because they relax me enough that my body decides to dilate and sometimes rather quickly. I went from a three to a six in a few short minutes after the epidural kicked in and the nurse expected I would be ready to have a baby shortly. Enter Tyler. (Bout time you got here sweetie.) However the nurse was wrong. When she went to check me again, I was still at a six. She seemed puzzled, but she quickly divined a solution. My bladder was full and it was probably blocking the baby's head from coming all the way down.

Side note here: I have amazing bladder capacity. I can go almost all day without using the bathroom and think nothing of it. Also, thanks to Kegels (don't laugh ladies), I have had five children and I have no problems with incontinence. Normally during delivery they offer you ice chips and I refrain (I am not fooled into thinking that ice is going to waylay actual hunger), but this time around they had flavored ice chips, flavors including Tiger's Blood. So, I had to try it. End of story, one catheter and half a stein of pee later, there was nothing holding baby back and I was complete.

During this time, my epidural was acting suspicious. The contractions never completely faded into oblivion and instead were coming back to full potency. I was easily back to an 8 or 9 on the pain scale when my nurse told me that I was all ready to have a baby. Good timing, because I wasn't wanting one more contraction than was necessary. And then by golly, I got to sit and wait for the doctor. So, you can imagine that by the time he got there (which was really only a few minutes later) both Pearl and I were ready to go. One push (as Tyler brags) and she was there. Definitely one of our more quiet, calm labors. Contractions aside, too bad they couldn't all have gone this smoothly. I'm with Tyler though, I think we should get some kind of discount from the anesthesiologist. Or at least, if they are giving out trophies for going naturally, I should get a 'second place' or at least 'honorable mention.'

There is nothing that can quite describe the rush of emotions when you see your baby for the first time. Relief, awe, love, fascination, and many more all mixed together. I don't care how slimy they come out, it is still amazing. This little being who has been living in you for months has finally decided to enter the world. It is a miracle. Pearl was a miracle in herself, since she managed to be one of my bigger babies but did not cause any damage on the way out. Sorry if that is too graphic for some, but it sure makes a heck of a difference during recovery. I am already feeling pretty good two days later; enough so that I woke up and cleaned my kitchen and bathroom, did two loads of laundry, went shopping, and made dinner. This won't last I'm sure, especially if Pearl keeps up the evening schedule she did last night, but at least I am able to take care of my family.

So there you have it. Five girls later. Each is lovely and precious in her own way. We are very excited to meet Pearl and we can't wait to see what she will add to our family. I believe the heavens wept when she left. After all, it was sunny when we reached the hospital and by the time she was born it was nice and overcast leading to a terrible storm dropping six inches of snow. Lucky for me, when we left the hospital the next afternoon, the sun had emerged again, the earth welcoming her.

Love you baby.


  1. I totally agree with you about getting a discount for the only partially effective epidural! That happened to me too! What a beautiful baby! So glad to hear and see you are all doing so amazingly well!

  2. Five girls. I love the five girls and the idea that Heaven wept when she left. Precious precious.
    (And seriously, what kind of standard are you setting by accomplishing all of that? You are making the rest of us look bad, for real. Go back to bed. Wear a Moo Moo and drink water out of your hospital thermos while reading The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding. Stop cleaning things and making dinner immediately!)

  3. Beautiful story and one you will remember a life time. Pearl is a beautiful little one, well all your girls are beautiful.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Have a blessed weekend. Take care and relax some.

  4. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. What a beautiful baby! And for goodness sake, rest a little, will ya?

  5. That is so great she is here safe and sound and quickly. What another beautiful addition to your family.

  6. I love hearing baby stories! And it was especially fun this time to hear both the daddy and mommy point of view! :) She is beautiful and I'm so glad she got here safe and sound! You have a beautiful family!! Please let me know when you're up for visitors (and it's ok if it's not for awhile) because I have a little something for the baby I'd like to drop off. Congrats again!

  7. I'm with you on the discount. Maybe I should have tried that since mine worked for an hour then the little tube worked itself almost all the way out of my back and was wearing off and I didn't have time to get it re-done before the little guy was born! And I also agree with the kudos to those women who have the guts to go all natural!
