Sunday, April 18, 2010

How Can You Choose Just One?

Um...I can't.

I took Ivory out for her four year old pictures this weekend. (About time since her birthday was in Feb.) We had so much fun and the girl is so stinking photogenic that I am having a hard time deciding on ONE photo for my wall. I thought I would give you a sampling of some of my favorites and then I can keep them in the blog book for posterity. Some I wouldn't put on the wall, but they make me smile.

Then there is the problem sometimes that I can't decide between the soft/serious look and the smiley look. These following two show that dilemma.

I even adore this silly one where all you can see is her eye.

With June I made the mistake of taking most of the shots landscape instead of portrait and I need a portrait pose for my wall. So this time I did almost all my shots sideways. This one I took landscape because it worked better for the picture and it ended up being one of my most favorites. Too bad it can't go on the wall.

Hope you enjoyed. I sure love my camera. Best purchase. Ever.


  1. Oh my cute is this girl? You weren't kidding when you said she's photogenic. She is beautiful! All of your girls are. I can't believe how big Ivory looks in these pictures. She looks so much like her sisters. You seriously have some of the most beautiful and photogenic children ever, and I'm not just saying that because we're friends. They truly are beautiful! I can totally see why you're having such a dilemma with these pictures!

  2. So stinkin' cute. Seriously. And yes, all your girls are, and we haven't even met so I'm not just sayin' it (that qualifies me, right?). They are all darling, a credit to your genes and your photography prowess.

  3. Oh, she is darling!! What a cutie to work with. I don't know if you were looking for opinions, but my favorites for a portrait would be #1 and #4. They are all great, though!

  4. Great pictures! She is adorable, but so are all of your girls.

  5. i am going to get a good camera -- someday, did you go with cannon or nikon??
    and ... i loved that you did not just choose one!

  6. What a fun tradition and I love the together time. Sorry you have to choose, good luck with that...they are all adorable.
    Now I have to go catch up on all the posts I have missed!

  7. PS I am coming to Utah in June...would it creep you out if I came to meet you? I just feel like at some point all of these girls need to be face to face. I mean, who can resist 9 adorable little girls all in one place?

  8. Oh my heck, those are the cutest pictures! She's super photogenic, and you're a great photographer!

  9. I don't know which one I would pick either, since she is so much fun in each one! But I have to say that I love that grin of hers.

  10. I wanna vote!!! It would have to be the middle one between the two with the railings. That one is just so timeless. Aren't you going to hvae to pick eventually? I have missed reading your blog and since I fell off a ladder and broke a toe, I needed some giggles and came right here to get them and get them I did! sure do love ya!
