Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Forget and Forgive

My mother made this raspberry cake of goodness and light while she visited. (I ate most of it by myself.) She then left me with all the ingredients to make another and I have been holding off until it was my turn for treat on FHE night. (I have to wait six weeks at a time before it is my turn, although Daisy doesn't have much to say when it is her turn so sometimes I just make what I want that week as well.) I totally spaced making the cake yesterday so I postponed FHE to Tuesday just so we could have the cake.

I made the cake while everyone napped today and they were all waking up about the time the cake was finishing. I thought we should go for a walk because it was so nice outside and as I got the kids ready to go (in strollers, etc.) I told myself that I must not forget to take the cake out before we left.

I forgot.

We walked to a friends house, came back to find June who had wandered off, strolled through the neighborhood, reached the other side (about 4 blocks away) when I finally remembered the cake. I was panicked. The cake was pretty much done BEFORE we left and we had been gone for a good half an hour. I prevailed upon Sunny, a neighbor, to use her phone to call my next-door neighbor to see if she might go into my house and take my blackened cake out of the oven since I figured that would be faster than my trying to run home with stroller and kids on bikes. (That was a great run-on sentence, by the way.)

Naturally my neighbor didn't answer. (She was outside after all, which is why I knew she was home.)

So Sunny was awesome enough to offer to drive to my house and rescue my cake. Seriously, what a great friend. She said the cake still smelled good when she took it out and I tried not to lose hope. After all, my oven isn't as hot as others and I often have to cook things longer anyway. When we reached home, I looked at the cake and noticed the edges were burnt just a tad, but other than that it looked salvageable. Then I tested it just to make sure.

It was still delicious.

Tyler came and sampled and between the two of us, we sampled about half the cake before dinner started. Then after all had partaken, I helped myself to a few more pieces. (I can't figure out why this baby weight isn't just melting off of me.) I may have to call it the forgiveness cake after all it went through. So here is the recipe if any of you want to try it. If you don't like it, you are welcome to bring it to my house. After all, I know I can finish it off.


4 cups miniature marshmallows

1 white cake mix

1 3 oz. box raspberry jello

1 box fresh raspberries or 1 16 oz. carton frozen raspberries, partially thawed

2/3 cup cold water

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 9” x 13” pan. Sprinkle the marshmallows evenly over the bottom

Mix the cake according to the package directions and spread evenly over the marshmallows. Sprinkle on the dry jello. Spoon the raspberries over the jello. Drizzle the water over the top. Do not mix!

Bake for 45-50 minutes or until a tester inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool in the pan for at least 30 minutes before cutting. If desired, top with a dab of whipped cream or nondairy topping and add a raspberry for color. Makes 12 normal servings or 1 Maleen sized serving.

p.s. I would have included a picture but by now all that is left is the burnt edges and they don't look too appetizing.


  1. Sounds SO delicious! I especially liked - 1 Maleen sized serving :) Hey, baby weight will come off - I'm sure!

  2. I have to say that I have done this exact same thing 3 times in the past 2 weeks. It happens even more to me when the weather gets warm because I want to go outside and forget that I'm doing stuff inside. Fortunately for me, grandma is always home so she has saved me...one time I didn't even remember to call but she remembered for me and had it taken care of. And every single time it was 2 loaves of homemade bread I forgot. It's ALOT of work to let it go to waste! :) I'm glad Sunny was there to help. She has always been too amazing!

  3. It looks delicious. I think one Maleen-sized serving is the same size as a Desmama-sized serving. And I can't figure out why my cholesterol is such a problem . . .

  4. I am going to have to try that cake, it sounds soooo good! Although I don't know what you are talking about, baby weight? I bet you have lost it all already, don't be shy about it, be proud, I would!

  5. I am worried that the epitaph on my grave is going to be "She makes a great raspberry cake". It is interesting that I worry about changing regular recipes to make them gluten-free - but this is a recipe that went from gluten-free to not gluten-free. I'm glad it survived the transition! By the way, your oven does a better job on cooking this cake than mine does.
