Friday, April 23, 2010

Baby Pear

After Pearl was born, I looked on June's calendar and she had written in Pearl's birthday. Except she had forgotten the 'L', so it just said, "Pear's B-day". Pretty cute.

Baby Pear is doing pretty well. I keep taking pictures of her, but most of them don't make it here. So I thought I would post some today so you could remember that I have a baby.

Her sleeping schedule is not the best. Most nights she falls asleep between 8 and 10 and then wakes up around 1 and 5. That isn't too bad, although it is wearing on me just a bit. The really hard part is that her daily naps only happen every OTHER day. So one day she takes great naps and I get a lot done. The next; I hold her all day because every time I put her down, she is awake again. And naturally she is cranky on those days because she isn't getting enough sleep.

Today is a sleeping day. Thank goodness.

I've noticed that many of my pictures are of her sleeping, but that is probably because I am holding her when she is awake.

Not always though...right after I feed her, she is usually pretty happy for a while. And she really is a good baby, I don't want people to think she is giving me too much trouble.

Ivory might love her the most. She is constantly leaning over and talking to her, trying to change her clothes and bringing her to me when I haven't asked. (Which is always since I don't feel she is old enough to be toting Pearl around.) The other day, Pearl was downstairs and Tyler mentioned that she was starting to fuss. I thought he was going to pick her up, but instead he went in to take a bath. I told myself that I would go grab her in a minute, but before I could get up, here comes Ivory with Pearl. She was lugging her like she could barely hold her and I realized that she had brought her up the stairs (the STEEP 13 stairs—Yikes!)

All in all, we are loving our newest addition. Stay tuned for...the blessing.

1 comment:

  1. You make me want another baby girl right this very minute (maybe not in a couple of hours when I go to sleep, but mostly.) They are so adorable. I love the sister love.
