Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Power of Music

I know I promised the blessing story, and I do have all the pictures ready, but something else happened tonight that I wanted to blog about.

But let's go back in time for a minute.

Growing up, my mother used to sing to me. Her voice is not professional by any means, but it is certainly pleasant. I loved listening to her sing (did you know that Mom?) She sang old songs like Lemon Tree and Where Have All the Flowers Gone and Rickety Tickety Tin ( probably shouldn't have sang that one but I liked it anyway). I told myself when I grew up I would sing to my kids too.

And I do, but not often. I actually sing quite a bit but most of it is made-up snippets, not real songs. Sometimes I sing instead of yelling (It helps me calm down and it sometimes makes my kids laugh to hear me sing threats). I always forget to sing the real songs, or even the fun kiddy ones.

Then along came Daisy. I decided to sing to her one day and she fell asleep as I sang to her. It was like a miracle. And it restored my faith because I figured it was an old wives tale that you could sing kids to sleep (singing did diddly squat with my other kids). So every so often I would sing Daisy to sleep and love the fact that she seemed to enjoy it. Hearing me sing, Ivory would sometimes request a song; and I would sing to her too.

Fast forward to tonight. Tyler left to go home teaching, which left me with all five kids to put to bed. I won't lie and tell you that it goes smoothly every time. Tonight it felt more relaxed. I knew it was getting late but the sun was still up, so we were going slowly. Ivory was in bed, Robyn was in bed (they share the bunk bed). I was holding Pearl in the swinging chair, and Daisy crawled up next to me to snuggle and swing. (I think June was downstairs, but I know she was listening.) I asked if they wanted me to sing a song, and each made a request. So I sat and sang and swung. Pearl went to sleep, Daisy warbled next to me at times. Robyn finally dozed off and Ivory was not far behind. It was perfect. I put Pearl in bed and went to tuck Daisy in. She is adorable at the moment. She loves prayers and loves to repeat the words I say. Afterward, she wanted to give me hugs. She reached her little arms around me, said 'hugs' and I breathed in her lovely freshly bathed toddler scent. I closed my eyes and just thought, "Thank you Heavenly Father for letting me be a mother."

Not all nights are so glorious, but you live for those moments when heaven is not far away; it is right in your home.


  1. their little arms around you - the i love yous ... their cute prayers, really melt my heart too. too bad i can't remember them that way all the time! i think i am going to start singing my threats!! good idea!

  2. When I try to sing to Addi she tell me to "stop singing!" But I have a terrible voice so who can blame her.

    I think it's so cute that your kids love it!

  3. You never know what things your kids will remember about you. I am deeply touched that you enjoyed my singing, and am glad that you are carrying on the tradition. I sang to Tim when he was little too, but heaven help me if I try to do it now! I love that you're a mother too.
