Sunday, May 16, 2010

Memory Lane

As I was looking for baby pictures the other day, I ran across this photo.

Although it is taken in poor lighting with a bad camera, it brings back very humorous memories. A neighbor, Deanne, ran a pre-school out of her home that year and she let June enter even though June had barely turned 3. June was the youngest in the class, but Deanne was very patient and I still think it was a great experience for June. At the end of the school year, she had a graduation program and the children sang several songs they had learned.

June was a space case. She didn't do the actions, she stared off into space, and at one point she actually stood up on her chair and pulled her socks up while all the children were quietly sitting. (See the above picture.) Fortunately, she had shorts on underneath. Tyler and I were laughing so hard. At a ceremony that is supposed to fill you with pride, we sat and marveled at how clueless our daughter seemed.

I love that her socks don't match. I love that everyone is doing the actions to a song and June is fiddling with something in her chair.

Classic June. She is a little more attentive now, but I wouldn't trade these pictures or memories.


  1. Of course she would be wearing mis-matched socks. Classic June!

  2. Reminds me of Tim who would be down on the floor as the Primary was singing mother's day songs! He gave his first talk in Sacrament meeting yesterday, and then sang a song with the young men. He has come so far!

  3. That first picture is pretty priceless! I'm glad you had your camera ready!

  4. Yeah, I'm glad you caught that on camera. It's just darling. I love the socks.
