Saturday, May 15, 2010

Monkey See, Monkey Do

So Ivory has short hair now, much like her sister. And because mom did both cuts, they look very similar.

Yes, that is a snake they are watching. We get them every year and the girls always enjoy a peek. (This is the second one this spring.)

The difference this time around though (with the haircut), is that I wasn't planning on cutting it. That was all decided for me after Ivory took the scissors to her own locks. She is my first child to do so, and I must admit that the damage wasn't bad. I didn't even notice until I went to curl her hair and it wasn't as long on the one side. I debated leaving it because you really couldn't tell, but in the end, I opted to let it all grow at the same length. And by same length I mean approximate, because I didn't cut it long enough on one side the first time around and then I think I cut it too short when I went to fix the problem, so now I have deemed it best if I put the scissors away and call it good.

I think Ivory will miss having curls, because she asked for them all the time before. Personally, I will miss sitting there as she patiently let me curl her hair because the other girls have never been so tolerant.

I'll leave you with this cuteness.

Ivory loves Pearl so much. She is the first to lend a hand when it comes to the baby. But I don't blame her; it is hard not to love that little bundle.


  1. I remember when Miranda cut her hair, and then was so upset about it. She wanted me to glue all the pieces back on! You managed to keep your hair long until Junior High (if my memory serves me correctly). It certainly was gorgeous, but I bet it was a pain to take care of. Short hair is definitely easier.

  2. That is some cute hair! I remember cutting my hair at her age-thank goodness hers could be salvaged!
