Friday, May 14, 2010

One of These is Not Like the Others

A lot of people have told me that Pearl stands out, that she doesn't look like my other children. Whereas it is true that she has her own unique look, I think she fits in very well. The more I look back at baby pictures, the more I am certain that she is shaped from that same mold. Oddly, there is only one child that I feel didn't fit the mold, and it wasn't Pearl.

Anyway, you are welcome to peek at these minis and figure out which one is which. Don't click on the pictures, because I think that would show you what I named them, therefore giving it away. (Or maybe you can just click on the pictures once you are done guessing.)

Anyway, it doesn't matter how they come, they are all mine and I love them.


  1. I believe baby #5 looks quite different from the rest. All are too cute! Don't they just grow up way too fast!?

  2. I got 2 out 5 right....they are all beautiful!

  3. Oh man you have a lot of girls! ;)

  4. I am a lousy grandmother - the only one I got right was Ivory! However, I couldn't figure out which one you think doesn't 'fit in'. They are all beautiful.

  5. I gave Tim and Dad the baby quiz. Dad bombed out on all five of them (poor eyesight?) but Tim got three of them right! He got Daisy and Ivory backwards, but he nailed June, Robyn and Pearl. Well, kids are supposed to be smarter than their parents . . .

  6. I did pretty good for only knowing them through pictures. Got all of them right except Daisy and Ivory who I had switched. Beautiful babies!
