Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Fête Caching

Yes, yes folks. The Cazier holiday has returned. There may have been a lapse last year due to illness of the prenatal variety, but we are back with a vengeance. This is our fifth Fête Day, and the tradition is going strong. This year we were RED. Check out all us handsomes in our red duds. (I guess you will just have to trust me that I wore red as well.)

As usual, we chose an activity to go with our holiday. This year we decided to go geo-caching. Even better, another family who celebrates
Fête Day decided to exchange caches with us. We left a cache for them, and then we went to find theirs. It was a fun find and full of good treasure. Look at our loot.

Love these two by the way. Stephen and Jenaca. I'm so glad they got to come share the Day with us.

Sadly, our cache was not hidden as well and it was discovered by muggles before the other family could retrieve it. The muggles hadn't gone far and they did finally give up their 'stolen' treasure to our hunters. (I would just like to say here how lame that is to take something that is clearly marked for another person. Go ahead and pat yourself on the back for finding hidden treasure, but don't plunder the site. Grrr. Sorry again Keri.)

But I guess it all ended well. Here they are with the cache. Don't you love how much they got into their color?

After Fête caching, we returned home to exchange gifts. I am super proud of the gifts we gave this year. The girls and I went garage sale shopping and we had a blast, not to mention that we spent a little over $5 for everyone's gifts. (That is seven gifts, because we even let Pearl participate.) Here are some of the treasures we got in return. Ivory got one of my favorites. It is a rock, painted red, with red hair. She named it Sunshine.

Pearl is looking stylish in her new pink and red bib.

June got one of our finds at the garage sales. We scored a set of rubber alphabet stamps. Then we got her some red ink. Sadly, it was missing two letters, one of which was 'J'. Oops. I'm sure she wasn't going to spell June anyway.

We finished the night with ice cream cake. Could there be a better holiday than
Fête Day? I mean, if you don't count Christmas, and Halloween, and perhaps the Fourth of July. Okay, could there be a better August holiday than Fête Day? I don't think so.


  1. We had alot of fun. Want to go geocaching again. Mackenzie is glad that Ivory is keeping "sunshine". She had alot of fun making it.

  2. That was so much fun!! What a perfect August holiday. Thanks for inviting us... wee are glad we could be a part of it :)

  3. Not real sure what Fete Day is but sounds like you guys had a good time! You are so creative! I'm jealous that I'm not more like that!
