Sunday, August 22, 2010

Take Note

Child number four continues to drive me UP a wall. In the last week she has...

1. Used my foundation as lotion.
2. Used my liquid makeup remover to wash her baby (using half the bottle).
3. Drawn all over her walls, bed, and a picture with dry erase marker.
4. Drawn all over her door in pencil less than 24 hours after being severely punished for #3.
5. Taken out about two dozen wipes to wash her baby. (Seriously, how dirty can one baby get?)
6. Sequestered herself in the bathroom six times trying to get into the toothpaste.
7. Sanitized her room, meaning she squirted sanitizer all over her bed and on several books. (And when I say squirted, I mean about about forty plus squirts. We have one very clean book though.)

I keep telling my children to stop growing and stay small, but I think I would like to speed Daisy up a few years and get her out of the terrible twos while I still have my house in tact.

Pearl has been suffering some digestional woes, leading to many poopy diapers, a sore bum, and an exorbitant amount of spit up coming from her small body. (Although Tyler said he weighed her and she was 16 lbs. I'm not sure if I believe that, but it looks like the formula is doing the job.)

The projectile vomiting gets somewhat embarrassing, like when she spit up on a nice gentleman in Tyler's parent's ward. Or when she threw up on the carpet at church three times. My burb cloth was so disgusting by the end of church; not to mention Pearl's clothes, which were soaked. I had forgotten a change for her, so yes, that was my naked baby in Relief Society, in case you were wondering. Her sore bum has led us to leaving her diaperless in hopes of letting her rash get some air. Sadly, we left her unsupervised for too long today and she managed to pee on the only bed not covered in plastic. (MINE!!)

Our ward had a service blitz on Saturday. I liked all of it except for the part where I had to crawl into a trampoline pit where Tyler had just killed a black widow. I was thinking about letting the kids help, up until the spider incident and then I made them all play far away while I tentatively picked up trash and weeds from the pit while watching constantly for widows to crawl across my flip-flopped toes. (Seriously, what idiot wears flip-flops to a service blitz?)

The kids and I went to the Utah County Fair in Spanish Fork. It was a good thing that the entrance was free because I spent more than their weight in tickets for the rides. (Okay, maybe about Daisy's weight.) Daisy was not sure about the Ferris Wheel. She seemed to enjoy it but every time we went over the top, her little body would shake with fear. Daisy also almost managed to steal a cookie from the judged baked-goods. She was fast, but mom was faster. I have to admit though, if I were two and I saw a whole table full of bread, cinnamon rolls, cookies and what not, I would take a swipe at them too. (Even if they were a day old.)

The girls enjoyed the animals and the art exhibits. We stopped to get their faces painted (obviously), do a couple crafts, and then we ended the day with Italian Ice. Tricia was nice enough to accompany us (since it is a little tricky to manage all kids and a baby.) She was very helpful to watch Pearl while I freaked Daisy out on the Ferris Wheel. (Ah, good times.)

Robyn and I went shopping the other day, just the two of us. I love listening to her mind in action. She makes up songs and words all the time. Her most recent definition is:

Tancana (tan-can-uh) adj. someone being very disagreeable or argumentative. ex. Robyn, you are so tancana when you fight with your sisters.

Oddly enough, Robyn is hardly ever tancana. She is sweet and more giggles than grumpiness. Although in the store she made up a rhyme that made me laugh: Hannah Montana tancana.

Our garden is doing as well as can be expected from someone with a black thumb. Our raspberries did well this year, but the boysenberries have been incredible. The girls can't even seem to wait for them to ripen, so we get a lot of half black/half red berries. They make for pretty tart tastes, but Daisy and Ivory down them like nobodies business.

Ivory likes to grab bowls and go harvest the berries and tomatoes. Next year, boysenberry jam.

That is enough catch up for now. School starts in three days. This momma is NOT ready. I hate losing them for over half the day. (Okay, you can borrow Daisy if you want.) I guess this means that we will have to get on a schedule around here. No more sleeping in. (Ha, ha, I jest. I haven't slept in for years.)


  1. Maleen, I love reading your posts... they are always so entertaining and interesting. haha Daisy is one mischievous girl and so stinkin cute. We just love them all!

  2. It's a good thing those girls are all so cute cuz all that poop and marker would make me a little insane...and yet, we keep coming back for more...those girls, who can resist them?

  3. Love, love, love your blog! Speaking of vomity babies in all of their cuteness...I was just going through LOTS of baby clothes including many of the nice Carter's bibs (the ones with the layer of plastic between the fabric layers) that I spent a small fortune on since Emmeline was a HUGE spitter. Would you like them? I have a large assortment of colors (she went through about 4-5 per day) and I would love to pass them on to someone who can use them. Let me know...
