Friday, September 3, 2010

I love finding old photographs.

I love finding old photographs. They're always a little worn, but you can still see the memory as if it were yesterday. Photos break down—they fall apart; and very few things from this life last forever. But when I look at Pearl now, I still see this little cutie: smiling, full of life, curious, exploring. She may be all grown up now, but I still remember when all she could do was blow raspberries at me from her exer-saucer. You'll always be my little girl.

P.S. If this sounds a little weird, it's supposed to. This is supposed to feel like a look back from 2028, when Pearl's graduating high school, all growed up and everything. This is me turning in my assignment Maleen gave me: use a texture to add something to a photo. Well, I added about 18 years to this photo.

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