Sunday, September 5, 2010


When I was in third grade there was a boy named Jake Hansen (names changed to protect the innocent) who sat a few desks away from me. He had a crush on me, but that isn't what I want to talk about today.

He spent all day drawing fighting pictures. War, guns, ninjas, swords, you name it, he probably drew it. They were very complicated pictures and I would be impressed by the detail; not so much by the subject matter. I actually wondered why one would spend all day involved in such endeavors, but he was a BOY. Nuf sed.

Today, June asked me for a paper. This is a normal occurrence around here. We probably are not doing our part to save the trees, but we do get some very interesting drawings. Like this:

I am amazed at her creativity. She asked me what some weapons were, but wouldn't show me the end result until she had her twelve 'creepy-weapon' creatures. She plans on cutting them out and having a war with them. She isn't sure who is going to win yet;  she needs to put them on teams. They all have unique abilities. Bom Pack drops bombs from his head and as they count down, he runs away giggling. (He is said to have the advantage over Gun Shot, if he is careful.) Ice Cone has the exclusive talent of shooting his arms out as projectiles and then growing new dangerous limbs.

I don't know all their special talents, but I think my favorite is Firey Death. I have a soft spot for his three eyes. Maybe I should have been paying more attention to Jake in school, because this war stuff is more stellar than I thought.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure why June and Sean don't play together. This looks very similar (and the descriptions are similar, too) to drawings that we often see around here. Maybe when Sean grows out of the cootie stage...
