Saturday, September 18, 2010

I Shurf Artol Ot

I Would Like to Apologize to my Readers in Advance

That said, please continue at your own risk.

If you have been a devoted reader from the beginning, you may recall this post about gas.

Obviously, gas and the passing of it is a normal occurrence in life. I admit that I didn't find much humor in it until I was married to Tyler. (For quite a while.)

Flatulence has a vocabulary all its own. I have heard phrases here and there and usually I need my interpreter (i.e. my husband) to fill me in. Here are a few: Covered Wagon, Dutch Oven, Buttercup, Barking Spider. If you don't recognize these, you might try asking your better half, or some guy at the office. Or sadly, you can check out the fart thesaurus and find a whole barrel full of new words to use for this common pastime. (Remember, I did apologize in advance here.)

I am sure most of you have heard of the 'Blue Dart.' Tyler is ever hopeful to light his gas, to hold the Jersey torch high. I regret to even say that he has taught the girls about this. He calls it Toots on Fire. He gets out the matches and does his best to impress the onlookers. I laugh, I cringe, I wonder why I ever married the man. I even take pictures because that is what I do.

So for those of you who have respectable husbands, who would never do such a thing, here is what a blue dart looks like. I promise I did not doctor this photo.

I feel like I should apologize again, but if you have made it this far, you have only yourself to blame. As for me, I am fairly impressed that I caught that on camera.


  1. I feel strangely and uncomfortably close to your husband all of the sudden. I really don't know what to say but maybe I could add to your list:
    Poppin' Bunnies
    steppin on frogs
    and of course "bataco" because that word can be used to mean just about anything.

  2. I have been struggling to come up with a response that is worthy of this post. Words fail me. But I will say that I am very impressed that you captured it on film. Have you submitted this image to Wikipedia?
