Friday, November 26, 2010


Seven hundred people. That is how many posts I am up to. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself, and really, who else is going to say anything around here?

I have done the Black Friday thing. I have gone and victory was had...
by the stores, that is. I got plenty of good items, but a few snuck in there that I know were not on the list. But enough of confessing my weaknesses. Let's reminisce about the days of yore. (i.e. yesterday)

My sister-in-law carried the burden of Thanksgiving this year for the first time. She did such an amazing job. I feel guilty that since I come from out of town, I am never asked to bear the onus of hosting the feast. Although I think karma caught up with me in the car yesterday. Regardless, I am secretly pleased that I am not in charge. (Although I guess that is not so secret anymore.) It is a wonderful thing to arrive, partake, and see all the work someone else has gone to in your behalf. Seriously, all those of you who showed up at someone's house yesterday, even if you brought something, be grateful.

Kathryn did an excellent job, from the food, to the decorations. The chow was great.

There were cool lights on the table. (Never seen that before.)

Drinks and desserts were plentiful.

Pearl was digging her first Thanksgiving. Have I mentioned that child can eat?

Lastly, Kathryn got these scratch cards where you could write what you were thankful for. Those were way too much fun. And such a great idea.

Kathryn, for the record, I am indeed grateful. You outdid yourself. Maybe I can bring more next year. Or maybe, one of these years, you will just have to come down my way.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you had a great day and that cake is spectacular! I want a recipe!
