Saturday, November 27, 2010

Early Christmas

Now that Thanksgiving is over, there is not much to hold back the tide of Christmas that is inevitable. I am not ready yet, but as my Father-in-law pointed out, it is coming whether I am ready or not.

My shopping is half finished, I don't have any advent activities planned, and I only have a few ideas in my mind  for the girls. (This is in the hope that they can still make home-made gifts for each other.) All these things will fall into place, I am sure.

In the meantime, I should feel rather festive because I have already received a few gifts. Firstly, if you send me out on Black Friday, I AM going to buy something for myself, almost guaranteed. Don't get me wrong, I love buying gifts for others, but I also love buying things for myself. I told Tyler he didn't even need to shop for me because I took care of it for him. Let's take a quick look at exhibit A.

Yes, self-portraits are not my strong suit, but what can you do? You can kind of see the shirt I bought myself. I really like it. It is more of the baby-doll style which Tyler called 'maternity', but I don't even care. Truthfully, I will probably have a 'maternity' looking tummy for the rest of my life considering how many times it has been stretched out. It is not hemmed at the bottom which drives my Mother-in-law crazy. But I like it. It fits my personality. Also note the boots. This is the first year I have gotten boots for myself. EVER. We go to Idaho every year and my feet are always cold. This year, those boots are single-handedly keeping my entire body toasty. Yay.

The other thing you can't see in the picture is this:

I have this thing for owls recently. Not sure why. But I saw this necklace and had to have it. I like interesting necklaces because my girls love to play with them in church. Mr. Owl here seems to be a good addition, and Pearl has already taste-tested him and shown her approval.

My Sister-in-law may have noticed my owl fetish because check out this cute ornament she got me.

That alone makes me excited to decorate my tree. I guess I can get into the holiday spirit.


  1. That little owl is adorable - I so want one!

  2. i saw some totally adorable glass owl ornaments at target... just sayin' that you look like you need more shopping enabling...

  3. I love black friday too! I am almost done shopping for all my girls just a few for Payton and I will be done! love the little owl and the new look of your blog!
