Saturday, November 6, 2010

If Sunday is a Day of Rest...

...then Saturday is a day of mystery.

I like Saturday because I am never quite sure what will happen. Sometimes we have plans, sometimes we don't, but it is always an adventure. Like today...

We participated in the primary talent show. Robyn jumped rope, backwards and forwards.

Ivory tried to sing by herself, but it was a repeat of last year when Robyn tried to sing by herself. It ended up with Mom singing and child singing very softly.

I should just sign up each year. (And no, Ivory's outfit has nothing to do with her song. It was just what she wanted to wear. She is always fancy.)

June did a piano piece. I was very proud of her, but I recorded it instead of taking a picture, so you'll have to pretend that this was over at the church.

Tyler cleaned out the garden and found some friends living there.

Toad, as June called him.

And mouse, as Tyler squished him.

It is not surprising that little beasties were making a home there. We kinda neglected the garden towards the end. We couldn't have eaten all those tomatoes anyway.

Robyn attended a birthday party, which I almost forgot about. Luckily I remembered an hour before it started instead of an hour after. The mom of the little boy is such a sweet lady that helped me volunteer last year when I was large with child. I always forget her name, so I practiced before I went in to Chuck E. Cheese. And, you guessed it, I still called her the wrong name. (Yep, here I am all grown up and still embarrassing myself.)

Robyn got some prizes as she left. I made her get Pop Rocks. Remember Pop Rocks? Yum.

And they are much better than what Tyler ate today. He decided to live on the edge and eat expired yogurt. Even after I told him that one tub needed to be thrown out, he grabbed the wrong one. I am not still laughing about it. Much.

Those are just some of our adventures. Tyler and I are going on a hot date tonight which should involve free pie, a free tie, and maybe a Bissell. (My poor kitchen floor has not been thoroughly cleaned since Tyler broke my Swiffer over a month ago.)


  1. We want to watch your cute kiddos! I am sorry our schedules have been so hectic. Once I am done with my practicum we will babysit away... and you and Tyler can go on numerous fun, romantic dates. haha
    Thanks for everything you guys do for us!!!!

  2. What talented little kids you've got there! And now I really want to eat some Pop Rocks.

  3. I agree with Vieve...talented kids. As for Pop Rocks...they always make me nervous when I eat them...what if they explode in your throat or things I worry about.
