Saturday, November 13, 2010

It's Back

Burn Notice, I mean. Everyone has to have a TV weakness, right? Good thing I watch them on hulu, because this week I am crazy busy every night, so I will need them on hold for those rare moments that I get to breathe.

Being busy also means that Tyler will get some quality time with the kids. They will love it and Tyler will appreciate me so much more by the end of the week. Not that he doesn't appreciate me now. He told me just today that he thinks I'm perfect. I called his bluff.

p.s. White Collar comes back in January. I may have more than one TV weakness.


  1. I love these shows! Holy cow am I addicted to them, I was so excited to have BN come back!

  2. Ok, if you like White Collar then you are about to like me a little more. Matt Bomer who is the star of White Collar is a good friend of my husband's from high school. Yeah, that's right, we have hung out with him, I have pictures of him holding my daughter. And we have all sorts of funny stories about him from high school. There, that is my claim to fame. (And I invited him to Thanksgiving dinner last year when he was working in NY just a couple of hours from us in CT...but he was going home to family, go figure.)

  3. Here is the legitimate, but not pardonable excuse to my personal obesity epidemic: I have no missed an episode of BN or White Collar. I'm so excited that White Collar is coming back, didn't know. I also watch them all on Hulu and wouldn't dare to miss an episode of Army Wives either. I used to marathon several weeks of each show Sunday afternoon (I mean, single, bored why not? Right?)
