Sunday, November 14, 2010

More Kidisms

I love to blog about silly things my kids do, because then they are captured forever. Too often something amusing happens and only a few days later, I have forgotten it; therefore I revel in the ones that I remember and write down.

Being tucked in is a big deal around our house. It is a nightly routine. I tuck all the kids in, in turn, unless I am out somewhere and they have fallen asleep. In that case, I kiss them and snuggle them a bit in their sleep. June is the hardest one to escape from. She asks for stories on end and clings to my arm when I need to leave. She says one of her favorite times of the day is being tucked in, so I feel I need to keep that time special for her. Robyn on the other hand invites Moxy onto her bed every evening. If I stay too long I get licked, so I never linger long. Apparently last night Robyn asked for me to tuck her in as usual. Sometimes I am downstairs and don't make it up before they fall asleep. I am not even sure what happened last night. But at 3:30 am, Robyn woke me up. I looked over and asked her what was wrong.

"You didn't tuck me in like you promised." Oops. I will make sure to do that in the future, especially if her reprimands are going to come in the wee morning hours.

Robyn is also very trusting. She believes almost everything we say; almost to a fault. Today, she and Ivory had been in the tub for over an hour. I came in and announced it was time to get out, to a chorus of, "No, we want to stay in. We aren't done yet."

Me: You girls have been in too long. You know what happens if you stay in the tub too long, don't you?

Girls: No, what?

Me: Well, you turn into a raisin.

Robyn: For true? Is that real?

Me: Look at your hands, they are probably already very wrinkled. You guys are running out of time.

Robyn: Do you really turn into a raisin?

Me: Well, I have never seen it happen, but do you really want to stay in and find out?

Robyn jumps up and starts to get out of the tub. She turns back to Ivory and says: You stay in the tub, alright?

Good to know she is willing to sacrifice her sister in the name of science.

Daisy has been up to her usual. I found the harmonica in the VCR player the other day. She continues to find things to get into that the other girls never even thought of. She got into my purse the other day and found my gum. (I don't chew gum often, it is more there for people who want to borrow gum.) She doesn't like mint though, and this was a fairly strong Orbit's variety. I didn't catch her until Ivory clued me in, but apparently Daisy was unwrapping one piece at a time, putting them in her mouth and then spitting them into the garbage. Perhaps she thought she would find one she liked. I rescued half the pack.

Later, when I left my purse within range again (unwisely), she got into the gum once more. This time around, she already knew she didn't like the gum, so she just threw away all the remaining pieces. When I found her and the empty package, I was able to find one piece that had fallen into my purse. Perhaps I will wait a bit before I go and buy more gum.

Strangely, these occurrences are something I enjoy about parenting. I never know when my kids will do or say really random things. It keeps life interesting.


  1. I love all these things that make them different. It sure makes parenting difficult sometimes but it makes it much more interesting!

  2. Okay, you may have just become my second favorite mom.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ha ha how funny your kids are! I would totally have sacrificed siblings in the name of science too, I think.
