Tuesday, December 11, 2012

What's Up With Ivory?

Our third child has had some excitement in her life recently.

First, she FINALLY lost a tooth. It was her first and she was thrilled. It has been a little wiggly for a while. She even mentioned that she might lose it in WA over Thanksgiving. She didn't.

Ivory is definitely more of the wait and see variety. June on the other hand, will work away at a tooth until it is extracted. Evidence here and here. But not Ivory. I would give it a tug every now and then, but she was content to let the tooth run it's own schedule.

I was a little concerned she might swalllow it. (Been there, done that.) So as it got increasingly loose, I worried. One day, Dad offered to pull it out with the pliers. She declined (since I was behind him shaking my head 'NO' at her.) But then I rethought and asked if I could have a go at it. Not even 2.5 seconds later, I had a tooth in my hand. Ivory was ecstatic.

And she was super excited that it was her turn for a visit from the tooth fairy.

Ivory and I had a bet going. We were waiting for her glasses to show up. We were speculating whether the glasses would arrive first, or she would lose her tooth. Well, the tooth won, but only by a day. (And some might say the tooth cheated, since pliers were used, but who keeps track of teeth vs. glasses races anyway?)

Ivory has a whole new look now.

June calls them secretary glasses. I think she is adorable.

Her other pair comes in soon. We'll have to see how they look on her. Turns out she really needed them. The eye doctor said that if you took all the 6 year old children in the world, Ivory would be more nearsighted than 95% of them. Poor kid. But she can see pretty well now.

What's more important is that if you took all the 6 year old children in the world, and let me choose one, I would pick this one 100% of the time.


  1. It must be a third child thing. Kaden is exactly the same way with teeth and just as nearsighted, I'm sure.

  2. She looks great with glasses! I took Dad in for his eye appointment yesterday and he is disgusted with the fact that they will no longer make glasses that work for all distances. You have to have one for close-up and one for distance, and maybe one for in between. Is that why Ivory is getting two pairs?

  3. Holy cute! I keep seeing so many kids with no teeth, its adorable!
