Monday, March 4, 2013

Love That We Named Her Pearl

The Pearl is not my favorite stone. I am really more of a Tanzanite kind of gal. Or perhaps silver or Marcasite. However, there is one Pearl that I am enamored with. And I love her name. She is such a sweet 'P'. We often call her Pearly. (Maybe we are using her middle name...Pearl Lea?) Whatever you call her, we love her, and today more than usual since it happens to be her birthday.

Good morning beautiful!!

Actually, that made me think of this song. I had to go find it, so listen to it while you read. I think it is a fun song.

I should point out that I did wear my pearls today and I can't seem to take a picture of myself.

I'm sure it would help if I switched to the wide angle lens but I can't be bothered. Also, Tyler called me something funny today. He called me 'Mother of Pearl.' Clever....why didn't I think of that? (Darn him, when he outwits me.)

I let Pearl get all gussied up this morning. We did hair and I let her wear a smidge of lipstick, because she thinks that's uber cool. I love doing her blond hair. It is just so novel with all the brunettes around here. I really hope it lasts for a few years.

And then we put the camera away and went about a very busy day. Pearl was ultra patient (for a three year old) because I wouldn't let her open gifts until Dad came home. She would ask so sweetly every now and then if she could open her presents. And I would remind her we were waiting on Dad. Needless to say, she was very excited to see him. All the girls were really excited for her too. June and Ivory wrote a song for Pearl, and they performed it.

I can't tell you how heartwarming it is to see your children doing special things for your other children. Really, I feel like it is a gift to me. (But I won't tell them that and ruin it.)

Pearl was super cute. She would pick out a present and then sit back in the big chair before opening it. One at a time.

Once again, she didn't really need anything, but we dutifully got her presents. After watching her throw this one around a bit, I am instantly regretting it. I'll have to tell you what she breaks first.

A big hit was the Bubble Blower. Tyler took it up in the loft and rained down the bubbles.

Pearl was loving the waterfall of delight. We had to turn it off when the floor got slippery.

I should have made Pearl a birthday cake, but Robyn had already requested mini donuts for FHE treat. I thought about it for a bit and decided they could double as a birthday cakeish item. And they are very cake-like anyway.

Pearl didn't notice one bit. She was in heaven. Especially as we sang to her. She really seemed to understand that this was her special day, especially since Ivory went through this same routine less than two weeks ago. Pearl was ecstatic that it was her turn. Of course, she probably thinks we are doing this birthday hulabuloo regularly now.

I made her wait until after cake/donuts for a special gift. Pearl was so excited, she had to put it on right away. Here she is wearing her new dress from Grandma Dargan and holding her balloons that she picked out.

We were going to take her out to Kangaroo Zoo in the evening, but we misjudged time and ran out of it. So, we'll get to keep celebrating later. We did get her measured before bed. I love our growth chart...I'm just sad we didn't start it ten years ago. (Learn from my mistakes.)

Finally just as she was going to bed, I remembered to take a picture of her showing off her latest trick. Someone knows she is three.

This isn't related, but a game I heard about came in the mail today. I purchased Sleeping Queens. It was fairly inexpensive on Amazon. The girls loved it and we played it all day. (Thanks Minimal Day...usually I hate you.) Somehow Tyler caught a picture of us playing. I think I am losing here (yet again) and Robyn has awesome hair from Dr. Seuss day. June loved it so much she added extra rules to each sleeping queen. It was a hit!


  1. What a sweet girl. I'm going to have to look up that game, we are always up for a new one!

  2. Funny thing about that Sleeping Queens game. I saw it when I was buying Guillotine for Uncle Tim, and debated getting it. But it sounded a bit familiar, and sure enough - we already have it! Can't say that we've played it much, but then we don't play games much - and if Miranda is involved it's only 'Apples to Apples' or 'Imagine If'. What a little cutie Pearl is!

  3. I love the ages of kids when they start to realize what a birthday is and that its to celebrate them!
