Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Ivory's 7 Year Gallery

Still seems weird to me that Ivory is 7. Probably because of her height, she will always seem a bit younger. Today was the first time (of many I am sure) that Ivory put on a pair of Daisy's pants, mistaking them for her own.

But good things come in small packages, and we love Ivory. I took her out last Saturday and the weather was very nice, all things considered. Ivory kept telling me to come out in the sun and I kept dragging her back in the shade to avoid the harsh shadows. We got a good mix of both.

Enjoy these.

Ivory, you are such a cutie. I'm so glad you are my daughter.


  1. She is such a cutie with those glasses!!!!! Although I love all your girls equally (I have to say that - right?) I have a special spot in my heart for the one whose middle name is the same as mine. Little did I know how true my words were when I looked at Miranda for the very first time and said "Someday I'm going to be a grandmother". I have to admit, in many ways it beats being a mother.

  2. Great pictures, and what a cutie. I love the one of her yawning.
