Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Melt My Heart

I grew up in a family of three boys. I was thus wholly unprepared for girls when they came to my life. I have found myself a most fitting father of girls, for I have no idea what I would do with boys. If I were not entirely surrounded by pink, I should have no idea how to conduct myself.

My girls have, of course, found ways to penetrate the steely outer skin of "the only man in the house." They drop everything and come running for hugs when I walk through the door after work.  They draw bizarre creations and fantasies on my upper arm, just under the sleeve, so nobody knows. They hug me and kiss me when it's time for them to go to bed, and they snuggle my tight in the morning when it's time to read scriptures.

Despite my efforts to hide it, my tough-guy defenses abandoned me years ago. Maleen and I went on a date tonight to go see a play—we had a wonderful time. While in the care of a most-excellent babysitter, two of my angels penned this message for me:

It reads: "From, Ivory, and Daisy to, Our wonder-ful, kind, Loving, Father. Dear dad, Me and daisy want you to feel better soon, Will a hug and kiss make you feel better. Dear dad, Do you know not only daisy and me love but mom, June, Robyn, peral, and moxy love you. From, I, D."

I can't even read it—my eyes are full of this annoyingly large globs of water.

You see, I didn't feel very well today. Each of the girls in turn had to leave Dad for their endeavors of the day. Their routine generally finds me leaving them for work, but today I demurred to rest a bit longer, and they all departed for their various destinations. Tonight, after returning from the theater with Maleen, I found this note gently nestled on my pillow.

How blessed I am to have my girls, for truly their heart is tied to mine. The love of a little girl can heal the world. And yes, a hug and a kiss will always make me feel better.


  1. Being a mother of girls myself, I can totally empathize. The love of children is one of the sweetest things in life, and highly to be cherished. I'm glad it's part of your life too.

  2. That is the cutest! Good thing those little girls have melted your heart. :)
