Saturday, November 30, 2013

Guilty as Charged

Yes, I went shopping on Black Friday. But it wasn't the same as in times gone by. Our crew didn't leave until 6. There were no lines, or crazies as far as I could tell. In fact, there seemed to be a lack of people in general. It was a nice morning to shop and snag a few great deals.

We have some theories as to why things were different. Are more people shopping online? I know it is easier and I myself have ordered plenty online this season.

Or did all the crazies go out Thursday evening? I think it is wrong for businesses to tempt people out on a holiday simply to beat out the competition by a few hours. I don't care how good a deal it is, I will NOT be shopping on Thanksgiving. But if it weeded out the truly insane, it wasn't a total loss.

So I freely admit to venturing out on Black Friday, but I am also almost finished with my Christmas shopping. Are you?


  1. About your question on whether I'm almost finished with my Christmas shopping - no comment.

  2. We are not even close to start shopping. I guess we'll opt to shop online since this student life is sucking all our time…
    As for less people shopping on Black Friday that starts on Thursday I'd say there is good and bad of course. The good part is that they don't sit at the table stuffing themselves with goodies getting more than they need, so less people will gain weight at least :) LOL The bad part, yeah, they are not spending time actually thinking of what they are thankful for… oh, there is always two side of the coin…
    Good for you that you are almost finished your Christmas shopping :) way to go!

  3. I totally think it's wrong to have opened on Thanksgiving! I love Black Friday, and I think its so fun, but to do it on the holiday, that's awful. Good for you for going!
