Friday, December 6, 2013

Well Into December

Whew, you can see that I took a little siesta after NABLOPOMO. But that also means that I have been watching the pictures stack up and it is time to get back in the saddle. Also, I have been distracted by Jewel Quest which is similar to Bejeweled. (Yes, they are addictive.) Further, I read a fantastic book, The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. Funny story about that. I read some other book with a weird long name and somehow thought I had read the Guernsey book, so when people would say something about it, I would say that I hadn't enjoyed it much. (I am sure they judged me.) When in fact, I realized that I hadn't read it, and sat down to read it, I loved it. Although I do find it quite annoying when people in literature are so enamored with their children. Because it makes me feel guilty, when at that moment, I am ignoring my children to enjoy a good book. (Kind of a catch-22, if you ask me.) 

Anyway, despite the challenges besetting me, I will push forward and blog anyway. Christmas tidings are in full swing around here. The house is decorated (mentioned before) and the ward Christmas party is tomorrow morning. Have I mentioned that Tyler and I are kind of in charge of it? (Another possible distraction, but a more worthy one for sure.) Presents are under the tree. (Some.) And the snow is here. (Thank you Utah...but that is another post.) Kids are on their best behavior. (Not at all.) And I can't believe there are only 19(!) days until Christmas.

But, let's step back in time for just a moment, because I found a few more pictures from Idaho that need to be documented. At Thanksgiving, Uncle EM came to visit.

We see him once a year. He brought the famous pickled beets for the feast. (And for the thirteenth year in a row, I did NOT try them. Can't break tradition.)

Moxy loves Idaho, mostly because she is allowed on all the furniture. Proof. 

Kolby found a small bottle of hot sauce. There was some consternation that he was going to use up the whole bottle while he ate his cheese. (Of course he was...there are like five drops in there, people.)

Jami enjoyed her gluten free Thanksgiving. She said she ate more than any year before. (We are all proud.) Navy (her dog) did not get to attend, but we met him later. He is feisty and so beautiful. I love his silver coloring.

The next day, we came into the kitchen to find a shocking sight. What are you drinking, Bishop?!?

Just kidding, it is sparkling cider, although I can't get my pilsner so foamy! 

Don't worry though, we called in Kolby's shoulder angel to make sure he stays on the straight and narrow.

Robyn started it all with Kathryn, but I'm pretty sure Kathryn is already an angel.

Here is June playing Wackee Six, and probably winning. (It is a game of reflexes. If you want to win, you should always invite grandparents to play...or Tyler.)

Ivory was at it again. Luckily, I missed the event and only found these pictures on the camera later. I am less nervous that she is going to fall because she is pretty agile. True terror would be living with her if she broke an arm or leg. (She is not very good with pain and is kind of a whiner. I would have to lock her in her room and send sisters to attend to her needs.)

"Again" refers to the last picture in this post from the end of November. 

Hark. I hear the man of the house entering the domicile. I think this means that dinner should be forthcoming. I'd better get on that.


  1. What ?!. how are they not scared to climb that high? I remember not so go experience of climbing the tree when I was like 10. I fell, and next thing I remember I was home i my bed, with a giant scrape on my cheek… never climb the tree again… Oh those years of fearlessness :) just saying :)

  2. Doesn't look like it was snowing when she climbed the tree. Did I ever tell you about the time that Uncle Frank climbed up in a tree, and Grampaul shot him with a BB gun? Frank came crashing down out of the tree - and Grampaul was severly punished. He said that rear end sticking out through the leaves had just been too inviting!

  3. This looks like so much fun! And that drink totally tricked me, it's too foamy to be sparkling cider!
