Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Eve

Not a lot of posting going on recently, but I think that is because we have had a nice relaxed Christmas season. There has been caroling, treat making, partying, and such. I haven't been the best picture taker, but I have been taking a siesta as well. Best to get down to the bare minimum before I have to ramp up for the new year and possible resolutions.

My family (Mom, Dad, Miranda, and Tim) came into town a few days ago. We have had a great time so far including a trip to Color Me Mine. (I'm not sure they could count a trip to Utah as genuine if there wasn't a painting trip. Pictures to come.)

The kids have been very excited due to impending gift giving and visiting relatives. There was much anticipation for Christmas Eve. We had a beautiful reading of Luke 2, and an emotional reading of The Tale of Three Trees. (I shamelessly made Grandpa read because I always cry. Turns out, I must get that from Grandpa.)

And of course, we had Christmas Eve jammies. Robyn decided that she would try opening her gift with just her mouth. Slowest. Opening. Ever. But entertaining.

All the girls looked so cute.

Of course we needed a rousing game of 'My Team.' Robyn collected a nice team.

Daisy always seems to gather a following.

But Ivory won it all in the end. Such fun. (The key might be getting Grandma on your team.)

The kids all went to bed really well, in hopes that sleeping would bring the morning faster. Such a beautiful time is Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. I really like that JOY sign on your wall - and I like how you have your stockings laid out.
