Monday, December 30, 2013

New Year's Eve Eve

Not much time left here in 2013. All my Christmas pictures are currently unavailable, so you get some random shots off my phone. I haven't taken as many pictures with my phone recently due to the new spidery veins on the screen. (It may have been dropped soundly on the bathroom floor.) But there are a few that deserve mention.

Oddly, now that I look through them, they are almost all of Daisy. (Not sure how she got so lucky, but that is the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.)

The bus stop is not too far away. However, I admit to being lazy this last month and driving down there most days to meet Daisy. This is not laziness in the exercise department. (I have dutifully been going to the gym.) It is simply because I don't like being cold. Darn stupid winter and my drafty house. I find myself cold more often than not. I need to go back to chanting, 'Scorpions don't live in cold climates, scorpions don't live in cold climates.' 

One day, Daisy got off the bus and looked a little strange. It took me a few double takes to figure it out. Maybe you will get it right away...

She somehow managed to zip her jacket to her coat. Seems tricky to do, but my child is clearly above average.

Also, at our house this month, the children rediscovered our floor puzzles. Here is a picture of Daisy putting together our space one.

What I really need to take a picture of is Pearl, who puts together the larger, harder ocean puzzle every day by herself. She is a pro. She loves that thing. She puts it together, takes it apart, and starts all over again.

Daisy also came home the other day with a coupon for a free donut. I'm not even sure why she got it, but she was convinced we needed to go get a donut. So...we did. I put June in charge and took Daisy out and luckily our local KK is not too far away. Man, I wish they would put in a Winchell's here. Daisy chose the cutest donut they had.

Then she proceeded to eat his face.

We had a good time. I still love my one on one time with the girls.

This last photo features Tyler and Jonny.

What could they be doing?? They are chilling on the porch before our big stocking stuffer date. This year, we tried something new. We got together as three couples and then split guys and girls. We each went out and looked for stocking stuffers for our spouses. We women did quite well, but I don't know if I can call the evening a success, since the men stopped at one location, bought gift cards, and then went out for burgers.


So ends my random photos for the moment. I'm excited for the new year. January is perhaps one of my favorite months. It makes me reevaluate what I want to focus on for the next 365 days. It feels fresh. Not to mention my birthday is in there somewhere. (I am probably biased.)


  1. I hope you have a wonderful New Year's Eve - which I will spend working. Not that I mind as it will get me away from all the coughing, hacking and complaining that we brought back from Utah. (Not to mention the 5.2 pounds I gained - sigh). This is going to be a great year!

  2. That cookie looks so good, I totally want one of those!
