Friday, January 3, 2014

Ringing It In

Hello 2014! I've been expecting you. I think I am ready for another year to begin. Projects are stirring in my mind. Resolutions/intentions are forming in my brain. I have purposely not set any yet. That way I don't feel obligated to start anything from day one. It seems easier to give up on something when you miss ONE silly day. Instead I will hold to that truer idea that you can change any time you want. Start today. Start now. Or ya know, next Monday.

I wasn't going to have a blogging goal, but I am aware of how easily distracted I am by other projects. When I finally ordered my blog books for last year, I noticed that I tend to blog more in the second half of the year. Why is that, I wonder? Do I need a goal for only the first half of the year? We'll see.

In true January fashion, I need to finish blogging about Christmas. (Some things never change.) Christmas was really nice this (last) year. It was super fun to have my family here celebrating with us. They slept in while our girls got up early to open stockings. I say early, but we didn't start until 7:47. The girls were super cute reading on the stairs waiting to come down.

I (in all my morning glory - don't worry I showered later) was busy making breakfast. (Raspberry Bread Pudding, Kneader's style.)

Tyler had stoked a fire in Midgard and things were looking cozy.

So we unleashed the troops. They know the drill.

Every year I forget how small Tyler's stocking is and end up wrapping stuff that didn't fit and putting it under the tree for him. After all, most people's stockings don't actually fit on their feet.

All the girls in post stocking hats. Aren't they delicious?

And I had to throw in this picture because I love it.

After stockings, we waited for the rest of the family to wake up, or arrive, and then we got down to present opening. We all drew names, which I think made for a good amount of presents, but not too much. Everyone got something they liked, I think. Here is a peek at each person. In no particular order, behold....Christmas morning.

Hey, even I got on there. Although this was the only picture of me. (Unless you count my unshowered self from earlier. Let's not go there again.)

Good times. More festivities to come in future 2014 episodes.


  1. Wasn't it fun? Despite all the sickness. We had a wonderful time and were so glad we could share Christmas with you. I'm so glad families are forever.

  2. That looks like so much fun! Good gifts, good family, good times.

  3. Hello Dears, I'm Lucie 23 and also student in Graphic design, in France. I'm in exam right now and I have a work to do (only for SCHOOL) and I found a picture of your fridge on an article of 2011 ( ) I'd like to know if you get me the right to use this pic (open fridge) for my work, again it's for school but I have to make sure that I'm not "stealing" this pic, thank you so much in advance. Lucie

  4. Lucie, I tried replying, but I am not sure if it got to you, so I am posting it here as well:


    I'm hoping the best way to get back to you is to comment here. That would be fine for you to use the picture. I appreciate your honesty in asking before using it. If you have a place to give credit, you can simply say: photography by Maleen Cazier. But if there is not spot for that, I am okay with you using it without a reference. Good luck with your schooling. -Maleen
