Friday, March 21, 2014

Living in the Past

June's class has been working overtime on a project called 'Images of Greatness', in which they each researched a famous person from American history. There were many mini projects through the last months, but the culmination of the event was when everyone dressed up as their character and performed a poem (that rhymed) they had written about their subject.

Here is June all ready to go. Any preliminary guesses?

Her hair was tricky, and it is possible this style was more something her mother would have worn, but I think we got close.

Who are we looking at? Why, Laura Ingalls Wilder, of course.

The evening was very fun. Each of the kids had a display board with information about their person. (Across the gym, the sixth graders also were on display, but they had people from outside the USA.)

June had to bring three objects to go beside her board to represent her person. She chose books, because Laura loved to read and became an author. The log cabin was to represent Laura's first home. And the crutches were because her husband became crippled after a serious illness.

It was fun to see all the kids dressed up. It was like brushing shoulders with many great people in history.

After getting to walk around for a while, we sat down for the program where each child recited their bio-riddle. They had to write it, memorize it, and recite it for everyone. They all did a fantastic job. Here is Laura after her piece handing the mic to Juliette Gordon Low. (The founder of Girl Scouts.)

It really was a fun evening. Here you can see most of the kids dressed up in costume.

I think the only famous person still living is Gail Halvorsen (the Candy Bomber), but Shirley Temple Black was close. I didn't recognize Nellie Bly, or Althea Gibson, but I know who they are now.

And lucky us, we get to do the whole project again next year. (Notice the comment about sixth grade....) Wonder who June will be then?

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